Monday, March 9, 2009

Prayer & Praise (March 8-14)

- In May, I am conducting a weekend retreat for the summer missionaries who will be serving as team leaders in Christian Youth In Action (CYIA) this year. We are going to be focusing on leadership development and spiritual formation. I want each of the team leaders to be energized for seeking God first as they lead their team.

I am really excited about this! We are going to explore issues such as urban ministry, religious pluralism, conflict resolution, etc. Please pray for me as I develop each of the sessions and plan the various environments that we will have over the weekend.

- Continue to pray that I could make good connections with families, individuals, and churches as I seek to raise the $3,910/month I need for doing ministry with CEF in Denver.

- Praise God for the 50+ children’s Bible clubs that have been scheduled for this summer thus far! Our goal is to train 20 young people to teach 120 Bible clubs, reaching 2,000 children in metro Denver with the good news of Jesus.


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