Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Prayer & Praise (Sept 20-26)

- The CYIA party on Friday, Sept 18, went great! Ten people were able to make it, and we just hung out, played games, ate pizza, shared a lot of laughs, and spent a few minutes talking about fundraising efforts this fall for CYIA. It was exciting getting to see the summer missionaries reconnect with each other!

I look forward to our team leaders taking increased ownership of the ministry as we evaluate this year, plan for next year, and raise funds to make it all happen. Please pray that our efforts will be used by God in transforming students’ lives through local missions.

- I have a lot going on outside of CEF during the next week: two papers and two exams at school, and a sermon for the youth at my church. Please pray that I can get everything done efficiently and effectively.

- I have been thinking lately that I am very blessed to have the examples of many godly people in my life. Praise God for his goodness and grace in providing these examples and relationships! Pray that I would pay attention to all that he wants to show me.

Thanks so much for praying!

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