Monday, December 7, 2009

Prayer & Praise (Dec 6-12)

- Last week, we had the privilege of partnering with the student ministry from a church in Pagosa Springs (about 7 hrs SW of Denver) while they were here in Denver for a weekend mission trip. The twelve students that they brought got involved in senior’s ministry homeless ministry, and children’s ministry, all in one whirlwind weekend.

We hosted a welcome party for them on Friday night and partnered with them in their children’s ministry experience on Saturday afternoon. It was really exciting to see these students taking action on their faith, leaving their comfort zones, and learning the value of doing what they do in the service of something larger than themselves.

- Praise God for how things are coming together for next year! I finished our schedule for Summer 2010 (and all the preparations leading up to it) a full month earlier than last year. I think it may be the best schedule we have ever had. The logistics were not less challenging than prior years, but this one just came together really well.

Thanks so much for your prayers and for praising God along with me!

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